Jane’s Story

Jane’s Story

Hi Jonathan,

Good to hear from you. I’m doing great here in ‘sunny’ Worcestershire thanks! Healing rapidly as promised, and feeling very positive about the road ahead thanks to you.

I was actually going to write to you to say thanks, but also to encourage you to spread the word about sacrohysteropexy. As previously mentioned, I did a fair bit of prolapse research on the internet after giving birth to my first child looking for a solution to my unexpected problem (which worsened after child number two). All advice and experience which I read was very bleak and ultimately stated that surgery is an absolute last resort as the success rate is extremely low. Similarly when discussing with NHS gyno you get “you’re not supposed to be the same after childbirth”, “give up running, take up swimming”. I really thought that life as I knew it was over for me and I might have to accept being catapulted into old age!!  :o(

Thankfully I didn’t give up, and I saw a well respected private gyno in Cheltenham called David Holmes. He told me that he just does hysterectomy in this circumstance, but he wasn’t comfortable at my stage of life, and I might wish to consider a new procedure which some up and coming new surgeons were doing “sacrohysteropexy”. After googling this, I found you Jonathan, and you know the rest.

Anyway, in short, I’m not really embarrassed about what happened to me. Clearly it’s not ideal, but I didn’t ask for it. I was a very healthy and sporty individual beforehand and so the shock of my disability was all the greater. As such, I feel compelled to help with the promotion of this procedure if required. It is certainly not well known enough at present. I think that there are a number of women suffering in silence. I’ve been very open with all of my girlfriends right from the beginning even when there appeared to be no certain solution in sight. And now since finding my solution I’ve had a few inquisitors “so what exactly did the surgeon do? How much did it cost? I’m not quite right down there…” etc…

If this rings any bells about how you feel, please do contact us at the Pelvic Clinic and we will do our best to help you.

Feeling very positive…